537 consultants enregistrés â—„ page 3/54

Fatima Melili
mail ✉

Exp. professionnelle : plus de 10 ans
 | Exp. géo. : Internationale
 | Pays : 
 | Actualisation :  24/05/24

Consultante au développement national et international 

Expérience de plus de 20 ans dans le domaine  de  développement  durable  :

Projets d'eau potable, irrigation , énergies renouvelables, AGR...

Formation et encadrement de porteurs de projets 

Gestion d'équipe 

Conception de documents de gestion et de supports didactiques relatifs au requis 

Élaboration de rapports analytiques 

Accompagnement des associations et ONG pour la mise en oeuvre et la gestion de projets 

Suivi et évaluation du requis 

Gestion de conflits et litiges 

Grande expérience au Maroc et une bonne distinction en  Tunisie et au Mali 

Thibaut KANOUO
mail ✉

Exp. professionnelle : plus de 10 ans
 | Exp. géo. : Internationale
 | Pays : Cameroun
 | Actualisation :  22/05/24

Socio-environnementaliste et expert suvi-évaluation, titulaire d'un diplôme d’ingénieur de conception en management des risques industriels et environnementaux, d’un diplôme d’ingénieur de travaux en étude d’impact environnemental et social, et d’un master 2 en management des projets et programmes. Ma formation et les travaux auxquels j'ai pris part m’ont doté de solides compétences dans le domaine de la gestion environnementale et sociale, le management et le suivi-évaluation des projets et programmes. Je dispose également d’une très bonne connaissance des procédures des bailleurs de fonds (Union Européenne, AFD, Banque Mondiale, Banque Africaine de Développement, etc).

Mes dommaines de compétences couvrent entre autres : 

  • Evaluations environnementales et sociales ;
  • Etudes de dangers ;
  • Suivi-évaluation des projets et programmes de développement ;
  • Planification stratégique ;
  • Assistance technique aux projets et programmes de développement ;
  • Formulation des projets et programmes de développement ;
  • Elaboration des stratégies sectorielles.

khaled zeghidi
mail ✉

Exp. professionnelle : plus de 10 ans
 | Exp. géo. : Internationale
 | Pays : France
 | Actualisation :  22/05/24

Expert en environnement avec plus de 20 ans d'expérience dans les grands projets d'infrastructure.

Secteurs d’intervention : Infrastructures linéaires (Ferroviaire, routière, hydrauliques), Aménagement du territoire, ….

Domaines d’expertise : Environnement, Changement climatique atténuation, résilience et adaptation, Bilan carbone, Etudes techniques (acoustique, qualité de l’air, qualité de l’eau, hydrogéologie), économie circulaire, biodiversité, intégration paysagère, inclusion et genre.

Prestations : Etude d'Impact Environnemental et Social (EIES), Plan de Réinstallation des Populations (PRP), Assistance technique, Formation, contrôle et supervision des travaux , Due Diligence, Management environnemental

Activités : Pilotage de Projets/Budgets/livrables, coordination d'experts, réalisation des prestations, interface avec les Parties prenantes.

Bailleurs de fonds: MCA- Banque Mondiale, Banque Africaine de Développement, Union Européenne, AFD, DANIDA, 

Pays d’intervention : AFRIQUE : Tunisie- Algérie- Maroc- Mauritanie- Sénégal- Mali- Burkina Faso- Côte d'Ivoire-Togo- Bénin- République Centrafricaine- Cameroun- République Démocratique du Congo- Soudan- Tchad- Ethiopie- Burundi- Ethiopie- Mozambique

EUROPE- ASIE: Royamune Uni- France- Allemagne- Danemark- Letonie- Estonie- Lithuanie- Azerbaidjan

MOYEN ORIENT: UAE- Arabie Saoudite

Projets emblématiques / Postes :

  • Expert Environnement sur le Projet de conception de ligne TGV (HS2) entre Londres et Birmingham (2016- 2024)
  • Formateur en EIES selont la réglemantion Banque Mondiale (Plus de 300 personnes formées en 10 ans)
  • Expert Environnementaliste - SDAGE du Bassin de l’Ouémé (Bénin)
  • Expert EIES et RAP- Conception de la route Sokodé– Cinckassé- Togo
  • Expert EIES- Centre de Formation Professionnelle - Burundi

mail ✉

Exp. professionnelle : plus de 10 ans
 | Exp. géo. : Internationale
 | Pays : France
 | Actualisation :  20/05/24

Elaboration de stratégies, de politiques et de projets visant à mettre en œuvre un changement de paradigme en matière de protection et de reconquête de la biodiversité et d'adaptation au changement climatique.

Gestion d'équipes et de projets ; animation de réseaux liés à la biodiversité, au changement climatique et au développement durable.

Renforcement des capacités institutionnelles et financières

Développement du capital humain.

Expérience locale, nationale, régionale et internationale, en environnements multi partenariaux et multiculturels.

Expert certifié en finance climatique ; membre du réseau experts et spécialistes du commissariat général au développement durable - France

mail ✉

Exp. professionnelle : plus de 10 ans
 | Exp. géo. : Nationale
 | Pays : Benin
 | Actualisation :  17/05/24
- Gestion des ressources naturelles : Eau, Agriculture, Changements climatiques, Assainissement, Urbanisme, Environnement ;
- Management des projets internationaux ;
- Intermédiation sociale et facilitation des opérations : Appui et accompagnement des communautés à la base, genre etdéveloppement ;
- Recherche et développement.

mail ✉

Exp. professionnelle : plus de 10 ans
 | Exp. géo. : Internationale
 | Pays : Benin
 | Actualisation :  17/05/24

Gestion de projets, Entrepreneuriat/Coaching, planification, suivi et évaluation, plaidoyer, renforcement de capacités et formation, appui organisationel et méthodologique, partenariat et contractualisation.

Anselme YARO
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Exp. professionnelle : plus de 10 ans
 | Exp. géo. : Internationale
 | Pays : Burkina Faso
 | Actualisation :  17/05/24

. Gestion de projets et programmes

. Education

. Insertion économique

. Résilience aux crises

. Droits des enfants et des femmes

. Cohésion sociale et paix

. Etudes et recherches


Vincent GBOLOU
mail ✉

Exp. professionnelle : plus de 10 ans
 | Exp. géo. : Internationale
 | Pays : Benin
 | Actualisation :  15/05/24

Expert en Ingenierie de  Développement Local (CIEDEL / Université Catholique de Lyon (FRANCE)), Consultant International

  • Elaboration et mise en œuvre des plans, programmes et projets de développement
  • Mobilisation sociale, Gestion des conflits
  • Maitrise de la conduite d’un dispositif de plaidoyer
  • Audit institutionnel et organisationnel


     Renforcement de capacités des acteurs de mise en oeuvre de la décentralisation

mail ✉

Exp. professionnelle : plus de 10 ans
 | Exp. géo. : Nationale
 | Pays : 
 | Actualisation :  15/05/24

- conception, montage, coordination et gestion de projets

- planification stratégique, planification opérationnelle et gestion axée sur les résultats

- suivi et évaluation techniques des projets et programmes

- analyse des filières: acteurs, états des lieux, organisation, contraintes et opportunités

- encadrement et renforcement des capacités des acteurs et structures du monde agricole

Aboubaker Ibrahim Robleh
mail ✉

Exp. professionnelle : entre 5 et 10 ans
 | Exp. géo. : Nationale
 | Pays : Djibouti
 | Actualisation :  13/05/24

1.     Name :

Aboubaker Ibrahim ROBLEH – Expert in Monitoring and Evaluation and Data Management

2.     Date of Birth :

3.     Email :

4.     Phone Number :

11 juillet 1988


+253 77872372

5.     Nationality / Country of Residence  :

Djiboutian / Djibouti



6.     Education :

Institution (Date: Start - End)

Degrees obtained:

lNEF SAGEP à Dakar, 2009-2014

Master's in Applied Statistics in Computer Science

Lycée d'Etat de Djibouti, 2008-2009



  1. Professional Profile :

Seasoned expert with a decade of proven success in monitoring, evaluation, and data management for both international and local organizations. Renowned for methodological precision, results-driven approach, and the capacity to deliver dependable quantitative analyses that inform decision-making effectively.


  1. Key Professional Skills :
  • Ten years of proven expertise in results-driven management, data analysis, monitoring and evaluation, and capacity building within international development organizations. Demonstrated proficiency gained through conducting intricate evaluations of extensive portfolios and programs funded by prestigious entities such as the World Bank, USAID, the European Union, and other prominent multilateral and bilateral donors.
  • Meticulous development and implementation of monitoring and evaluation systems aligned with the rigorous standards of major donors, alongside the creation of bespoke tools tailored to specific needs.
  • Advanced management of extensive databases utilizing statistical software, coupled with qualitative and quantitative analyses that effectively inform decision-making processes.
  • Strategic planning and results-focused budgeting, underscored by a proven command of participatory methodologies.
  • Recognized expertise in performance-based monitoring, quality management, logical framework development, and capacity enhancement initiatives.
  • Extensive training in monitoring and evaluation methodologies, data management practices, and results-driven approaches.
  • In-depth understanding of methodologies employed by prominent institutions such as the World Bank, USAID, and the EU, gained through extensive collaboration and experience.
  • Robust academic credentials in project management and statistics.
  • Proven track record of effective managerial and pedagogical skills honed through over a decade of hands-on field experience.
  • Advanced proficiency in statistical tools including Stata, SPSS, Excel, and Access.


  1. Other Training :
  • July 2023: Certificate in Project Monitoring and Evaluation from AFD Campus
  • July 2021: Certificate in Business Analysis from eCornell University
  • March 2021: Course on Conflict Management within Project Teams from eCornell University
  • February 2021: Course on Risk Assessment, Management, and Mitigation in Projects from eCornell University
  • November 2020: Training for 80 educational counselors on EGRA evaluation
  • August 2020: Successful completion certificate for MEAL DPro: Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning by Humanitarian Leadership, Academy, Humentum, Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
  • July 2020: Successful completion certificate for Project Management Professional (PMP) from the Project Management Institute
  • June 2020: Successful completion certificate for Data Analysis for Decision Making and Introduction to Excel Usage from Bond University
  • October 2019: Training on Data Analysis and Visualization with Power BI
  • July 2018: Certificate in Management and Establishment of a Science and Technology Park in Beijing, China
  • July 2018: Certificate in Public Project and Program Management from INAP, Djibouti
  • June 2018: Certificate in Ethics/Monitoring and Evaluation from INAP, Djibouti
  • June 2018: TTTFP Workshop on Model Laws and COMESA/SADC Agreements in Nairobi, Kenya
  • January 2018: Workshop on Development Opportunities in Djibouti by the World Bank, INAP, Djibouti.
  1. Languages Proficiency: (good, fair, poor)

























  1. Main Qualifications :


  • Profound expertise in data management and analysis encompassing the design and implementation of data collection procedures, establishment of sampling methodologies, coordination and supervision of quantitative data collection, processing, and analysis, database management, quality assurance, creation of Power BI dashboards, data extraction, cleaning, and workspace configuration, code updating and modification, calibration, result generation, and database maintenance.
  • Extensive experience in project/program monitoring and evaluation, including the design and deployment of monitoring and evaluation frameworks in collaboration with major donors such as the World Bank, USAID, etc. Proficient in developing monitoring and evaluation tools, operationalizing frameworks, and conducting results-driven monitoring and evaluation activities.
  • Demonstrated competence in quality management, including the establishment and maintenance of quality management systems, and results-oriented management practices.
  • Seasoned trainer in setting up monitoring and evaluation systems and proficient database management techniques.
  • Advanced understanding of the procedures and standards of major international institutions such as the World Bank, USAID, AfDB, and others.


  1. Relevant Professional Experience :


Employer Name, Job Title/Position

Contact Information for References


Summary of Activities Related to the Current Mission


2023 -



Agence Djiboutienne de Développement Social

Data collection Expert


Jean Bourjeois

Team Leader

Email :  jbbourjeois@gmail.com

+33 618 41 61 57


Drafting the Project Closure Report for the Development Response to Displacement Impact Project (DRDIP) :


¡  Development and Implementation of Data Collection Protocols for Multidisciplinary Projects.

¡  Supervision of Field Data Collection, Ensuring Quality and Consistency of Collected Data.

¡  Analysis of Quantitative and Qualitative Data to Identify Significant Trends and Formulate Strategic Recommendations.

¡  Utilization of Innovative Technologies to Optimize Data Collection Processes and Ensure Reliability.

¡  Training and Mentoring of Data Collection Teams, Ensuring High Standards of Competence and Professionalism.

June – Sep 2023

Cabinet District Management Conseil International (DMCI) Sarl

M&E Trainer



Email : oued.saidou11@gmail.com

Tél +226 70 26 27 38




Remote from


Professional Distance Learning Course : Establishment and Operationalization of Monitoring and Evaluation Systems for Enhanced Performance in the Social Sector:


¡  Conceptual Framework of Monitoring and Evaluation in Social Context: Delve deeply into key concepts and guiding principles of monitoring and evaluation, tailored to the intricacies of social programs.

¡  Strategic Design of Monitoring and Evaluation Systems: Explore advanced methodologies to craft monitoring and evaluation systems finely tuned to the strategic imperatives of social initiatives, integrating relevant performance metrics and efficient data collection mechanisms.

¡  Practical Implementation: Engage in simulation exercises and real-world case studies to translate theoretical knowledge into practical skills, enabling participants to adeptly implement monitoring and evaluation systems.

¡  Analytical Data Management: Master advanced techniques for the management, processing, and insightful analysis of collected data, with a focus on discerning meaningful trends and crafting strategic recommendations.

¡  Utilization of Results for Performance Enhancement: Acquire advanced methods for deciphering evaluation outcomes and leveraging them to effect actionable strategies aimed at augmenting the efficacy and impact of social programs.

Mars-May 2023


BCS-DJIB.com /R4D.org

Data Collection Expert


Eric Djimeu

Team Leader

Email :  edjimeu@r4d.org

+1 202 6779638


Implementation of Rapid Education and Risk Analysis (RERA):


¡  Spearheaded the design of evaluation instruments to ensure thorough and precise assessment.

¡  Orchestrated meticulous planning for data collection, optimizing resources and timelines.

¡  Provided comprehensive training to the data collection team, ensuring high competency levels.

¡  Executed field data collection activities with precision and efficiency.

¡  Managed and conducted in-depth analysis of collected data, delivering insightful findings to inform decision-making.



AMD International/ UNICEF

M&E Expert


M&E Manager

Tél +226 76 18 06 01

 Email : b.zoungrana@amd-international.net


Lead Contributor to the Final Performance Evaluation of UNICEF's Child Protection Project :

¡  Played a pivotal role in designing evaluation instruments, ensuring a thorough and inclusive assessment.

¡  Orchestrated the coordination of evaluation planning, emphasizing methodological rigor and logistical efficiency.

¡  Spearheaded data collection efforts and conducted rigorous analysis to extract valuable insights into project effectiveness.

¡  Produced comprehensive reports synthesizing evaluation findings and managed communication channels to effectively disseminate results to relevant stakeholders.


sep 2022

Cabinet District Management Conseil International (DMCI) Sarl

Directeur S&E



Email : oued.saidou11@gmail.com

Tél +226 70 26 27 38






Director of Monitoring and Evaluation :

¡  Design and Implementation of Monitoring and Evaluation Systems: Tasked with conceptualizing and implementing robust monitoring and evaluation systems for DMCI Sarl's projects and programs. This involves meticulously selecting pertinent performance indicators, orchestrating systematic data collection, and crafting bespoke evaluation tools.

¡  Oversight of the Monitoring and Evaluation Process : Provide leadership in supervising and harmonizing the entire monitoring and evaluation process to ensure the integrity and precision of outcomes. Responsibilities encompass directing field surveys and assessments, managing database operations, and authoring evaluation reports.

¡  Operationalization of Monitoring and Evaluation Systems: Spearhead the operationalization of monitoring and evaluation frameworks, ensuring seamless functionality and alignment with DMCI Sarl's strategic objectives. This entails configuring systems, allocating requisite resources, and devising transparent operational protocols. The overarching aim is to ensure optimal system performance, facilitating streamlined data collection, insightful analysis, and informed decision-making across the organization.

¡  Continuous System Monitoring : Maintain vigilant oversight of these systems to ascertain ongoing relevance to evolving organizational needs and sustained delivery of impactful results across all operational spheres.



M&E Expert

Isabelle McMahon

 Email : Isabelle.macmahon2018@gmail.com

Tél: +1(434)851 0651

Team Leader


Final Evaluation of the WFD Project funded by USAID and implemented by EDC :

¡  Co-designed evaluation instruments in collaboration with stakeholders.

¡  Conducted a literature review to inform the evaluation process.

¡  Reviewed the evaluation report and developed the work plan.

¡  Led the implementation of evaluation instruments.

¡  Provided training to enumerators.

¡  Coordinated and managed quantitative data collection activities.

¡  Conducted Key Informant Interviews (KII) and Focus Group Discussions (FGD).

¡  Analyzed quantitative data and drafted comprehensive reports.



Market Analyst Consultant

Amanda Fung

Team Leader

Tél : +250 786 689 767 

Email : amanda@eye2eyeglobal.com



Data Collection on Bottled Water and Fruits & Vegetables Consumers in Djibouti :

¡  Conducted comprehensive data collection and market studies to identify potential opportunities and trends, providing valuable insights to the project team for the formulation of effective awareness strategies.

¡  Assisted the marketing department by delivering strategically condensed market information tailored to support decision-making processes.

¡  Presented quarterly pro forma analyses to senior management, highlighting key business development opportunities and potential growth areas.

¡  Leveraged collected data and market insights to develop targeted strategies, considering various market factors such as demographics, geography, birth rate, financial indicators, and competitive landscape.



Agence Djiboutienne de Développement Social

Data Collection Expert

Chafika Abdallah Ahmed,

M&E Manager ;      

Email : chafikaahmed@yahoo.fr

Tel : +25377842336


Survey on the update of indicators for the DRDIP project (World Bank-funded):

¡  Data collection from the host population of the project sites (Ali-Adeh, Holl-Holl, and Obock-Ville).

¡  Data processing and analysis.

¡  Preparation of the report.


Solution de conseil aux entreprises (BCS)

Data Analyst expert


Mohamed Said Doualeh 

General Manager

Tél : +25377856632

Email : Medsdoualeh@gmail.com




Manager and Database Analyst overseeing weekly/monthly production processes for Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates:


¡  Conducted trend capacity checks on markets to verify market trends for the previous year by analyzing sample store counts for different periods for the corresponding market.

¡  Identified and rectified data quality errors, liaising with data auditors for correction.

¡  Developed and maintained a comprehensive Power BI dashboard for data visualization.

¡  Managed data extraction, cleansing, configuration, and workspace preparation, including code updates/modifications, calibration, and result generation.

¡  Communicated results to project managers and senior leadership, proactively addressing issues for efficient closure of simulation validation and universe update processes.



MEL Specialist

Alpha Ibrahim Bah :

Former COP DEGRA project

 Email : Abah.usaid@gmail.com  

Tél : +224 627 69 50 26


National Coordinator for EGRA :

¡  Conducted training sessions for 89 educational counselors.

¡  Implemented daily data quality verification procedures.

¡  Successfully completed 3 EGRA assessments.

¡  Led surveys to analyze barriers.

¡  Directed GESI surveys.

¡  Orchestrated PTA & CGE surveys.


Cabinet District Management Conseil International (DMCI) Sarl

M&E trainer Consultant


Team Leader

Email :  oued.saidou11@gmail.com

Tél +226 70 26 27 38


(From Djibouti)

Remote Training on Monitoring and Evaluation for the Youth Association of the Tillabéry Region, Niger:

¡  Module 1: Fundamentals of Monitoring and Evaluation: Introduction to key concepts such as goal setting, performance indicators, and evaluation methods.

¡  Module 2: Designing Logical Frameworks: Comprehensive training on developing robust logical frameworks to clearly define project objectives, activities, and expected results.

¡  Module 3: Data Collection and Analysis: Practical guidance on data collection techniques and quantitative and qualitative analysis methods to effectively assess program effectiveness.

¡  Module 4: Participatory Evaluation: Exploration of participatory approaches to engage local stakeholders in the evaluation process, ensuring intervention relevance and sustainability.

¡  Module 5: Results Communication: Development of skills in writing clear and concise evaluation reports, presenting findings, and recommendations in an accessible manner to development stakeholders.



MEL Specialist

Alpha Ibrahim Bah

Former COP DEGRA project


Email : Abah.usaid@gmail.com

Tél : +224 627 69 50 26



Monitoring and Evaluation Manager, DEGRA Project :

¡  Led coordination and supervision of all evaluation activities.

¡  Directed development and implementation of evaluation protocols and procedures.

¡  Designed monitoring and evaluation tools and forms, overseeing their implementation.

¡  Developed comprehensive data collection procedures.

¡  Managed all aspects of S&E data collection, including collaboration with technical teams for relevance and logistics coordination.

¡  Supervised data processing, ensuring accuracy and compliance with protocols.

¡  Provided tailored training to data collection staff and S&E personnel.

¡  Conducted rigorous quality assurance checks on data integrity and implemented corrective measures as necessary.

¡  Oversaw the development and management of the S&E database, facilitating report generation.

¡  Conducted in-depth qualitative and quantitative data analysis.

¡  Ensured alignment of data with FHI 360's overarching requirements and activity indicators.

¡  Produced detailed data reports adhering to USAID procedures and grant agreements.

¡  Contributed to the preparation of both internal and external evaluations and audits.

¡  Managed external communication efforts related to S&E data.

¡  Prepared comprehensive quarterly and annual work plans, ad hoc reports, and other essential deliverables.


Agence Djiboutienne de Développement Social

Data Collection expert

Chafika Abdallah Ahmed             

M&E Manager ;      

Email :  chafikaahmed@yahoo.fr

Tel : +25377842336



Co-led the impact assessment of the PROPEJA project (World Bank-funded) across 4 zones (Djibouti, Arta, Ali Sabieh, and Tadjourah):

¡  Designed assessment instruments.

¡  Conducted training and coordinated evaluation planning.

¡  Managed data collection and analysis.

¡  Produced comprehensive reports and oversaw communication strategies.

¡  Prepared and delivered the final assessment report.


Cabinet District Management Conseil International (DMCI) Sarl

M&E Trainer Consultant



Email : oued.saidou11@gmail.com

Tél +226 70 26 27 38


( From Djibouti)

Professional Training on Self-Assessment Tools for Performance Evaluation of Agricultural Cooperatives in the Louga Region, Senegal :

Introduction to Self-Assessment Tools : Presentation of key concepts related to performance self-assessment for agricultural cooperatives, emphasizing the importance of measurement and enhancement for sustainability.

Methodology of Self-Assessment Tools : Exploration of various tools and methodologies utilized in assessing agricultural cooperative performance, covering performance indicators, assessment questionnaires, and data collection.

¡  Result Analysis and Improvement Action Identification : Training on result analysis techniques, focusing on identifying cooperative strengths and weaknesses and formulating actionable steps for improvement tailored to local contexts.

Action Plan Development: Guidance on crafting effective action plans based on self-assessment outcomes, including setting clear objectives, defining necessary steps, and allocating resources for implementation.

¡  Monitoring and Evaluation of Improvement Actions : Introduction to monitoring and evaluation principles and practices for improvement actions within agricultural cooperatives, encompassing progress measurement, action adjustment, and impact assessment on overall performance.




Senior Statisticien Consultant

Kadra Omar, regional Coordinator

Email : kadraom@yahoo.com

tél : +25377645253



Conducted survey as senior technical consultant, collaborating with project coordinator :

¡  Developed questionnaire and instruction manuals.

¡  Implemented sampling methodology.

¡  Planned data collection operations.

¡  Selected and trained enumerators and supervisors.

¡  Developed sampling plan.

¡  Coordinated and supervised field data collection.

¡  Maintained database.

¡  Analyzed results.


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